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MMA and the rise of Modern Martial Arts

MMA or Mixed Martial Arts has its roots in Bruce Lee’s movie Enter the Dragon as quoted by UFC founder Dana White when he says “Bruce Lee is the father of MMA”. It has been contested that many ad hoc organizations and circles conducted mixed martial arts contests since many years. But it is evident after watching the first fight sequence in Enter the Dragon that modern MMA as seen today in TV Channels worldwide does indeed owe it’s origins to Bruce Lee.

Today MMA is broadcast to fans worldwide via the Internet and countries as far away as Brazil and Japan are some of the most die-hard fans. Modern MMA draws martial artists from many different disciplines and offers audiences a wide spectrum of fighters. There are wrestlers, grapplers, boxers, kick boxers, karatekas, judokas, etc who pit their skills against each other in the cage or octogon. Fighters have grown to ensure their skills are more well rounded and can take on fighters from different arts. Thus we see boxers learning grappling and wrestlers learning to kick. The sport is truly becoming mixed martial arts and the fighters more well-rounded and complete. The sport once termed as brutal and obscene is now garnering the best rankings on TV and pay-per-view internet channels. The UFC franchise is extending to other countries and fighters from all over are looking to be a part of this sporting game. Find out more about MMA and how you can learn to fight like the pros by calling us at +91 98204 96752

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ACF The Holistic Center for Martial Arts Training / Classes in Mumbai

Weekend Sat Sun State of Art training Certificate and Instructor Career Courses for various Martial arts in Mumbai Bombay at Academy of Combat Fitness Andheri and South Mumbai.courses on Krav Maga Muay Thai Kick boxing Womens Self Defence. Women in India are becoming empowered with martial arts. Indian soil has seen many accomplished Wonder Woman of India with extraordinary talent and capability. BJJ - Brazilian Jiu Jutsu MMA - Mixed Martial Arts Wing Chun Shaolin Kung Fu Filipino Kali Escrima Arnis Aikido Sword Fighting Kenjutsu Jeet Kune Do. Mixed Martial Arts